Polar urchins are forbidden to be fished from January 15 to December 15!
An overexploitation of the resource had been noted here in Martinique.
It must be said that their eggs are a refined food, especially in blaff.

Sea urchins feed on algae and sea grass. They are often seen around coral reefs, which have a great diversity of algae. Their diet consists mainly of preserving themselves from predators by ingesting these forms that are easier for them to reach than the algae on the reef. It is important to note that sea urchins prey on algae and sea grasses, but do not eat coral. Coral polyps feed on plankton and small aquatic creatures like fish and crustaceans.
Through their diet, sea urchins play an important role in keeping reefs clean by eating large amounts of dead organic matter.
Sea urchins are very sensitive to changes in their environment and generally require protection to survive in captivity.